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Biker Witch

A coven for Biker Witches seeking 

Motherline Magic


Within each of us is a culmination of stories.

We are the living, breathing anecdotes of centuries of lives lived.

Lives full of joyous moments, painful traumas, difficult hardships, and enduring love.

The Chopper Witch

The story that connects us all is that of the Motherline

The Motherline Story is the cord that connects us to the legacy of our maternal lineage and all of the brilliant, brave, and bold women who have paved the way for us to be who we are today.

Motherline Magic
Motherline Magic

My work is deeply informed by my connection to my own Motherline through my mom, Lorrie Lynn - a Biker Witch.

Everyone’s relationship with their Motherline looks different but there is one commonality:

We all have magic we can access, and we access this magic through the Motherline

If we choose to follow the Motherline, we find ourselves traveling back in time to the most ancient source of power that Biker Witches meet time and time again at their altars and on two wheels:

I call this power The Great Mother.
She is The Goddess. She is Nature. She is all of us.

For some of us, the path to The Great Mother has become blocked by trauma and forgetting. 

Thankfully, the worlds of motorcycling and witchcraft provide keys to mysterious ways that can empower us to unravel these blockages so that we may reignite our magic, reclaim the power within the Motherline, and forge a fulfilling and reciprocal relationship with The Great Mother.

"I highly recommend Rhiannon's services for any biker witches looking to tap into their
true potential."
- DJ

Biker Witch

the keys of the biker witch

Connection with nature

Community support

freedom, healing & empowerment

rituals, symbols, and sorcery

​In both motorcycling and witchcraft, there is potential for individuals to tap into an instinctual connection with the world around them. This connection returns us to the embrace of The Great Mother where we find the nourishment and wisdom that is needed to heal ourselves, our communities, and the world around us.

The Motherline Magic path was crafted for Biker
Witches with this intention in mind.

When we venture down this path, we make many discoveries along the way

We find we are able to push back against societal scripts and expectations that have been forced upon us for generations.

We find we are able to explore the power of right relationship with ourselves, the ancestors who birthed our family line, our communities, and with Her.

We find that we are able to root into our power in the face of new life transitions and gain an appreciation for the brilliance of Nature.

We find that we are able to craft our riding experiences around the ever-changing seasons of our lives.

We find that as we understand our own story, we gain a better understanding of how our past informs our present thus creating a chance to decide how we want to move into the future.

Ultimately, we find a roadmap back to our True selves.


Intentional offerings for all biker witches

Witchcraft Practices for Biker Witches

Immersive Experiences in New Orleans

Tools, Products, & Adornments for your Journey

"Ritual with Rhiannon was one of the most powerful things I have experienced. We spent time moving through pain, dwelling on power, and sharing our hearts. I have a large mother wound, and this ritual made big strides towards helping me heal it. I highly recommend a ritual with Rhiannon to connect you to your roots, to help heal any hurting roots, or to help you find your roots. There is power in her and in her healing. Thank you Rhiannon!"

Amanda True, WA

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