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For one reason or another, you have found yourself here

I'm so glad you did.

Motherline Magic

Our stories, the patterns that dominate our lives, can be doorways. Those doorways can lead us to places we didn't know were there - connection and power and safety.


Through discovering and acknowledging and facing our stories, we can free ourselves to live the way our deepest self longs to.


I know this because I lived it.


I grew up in a magical household, but one that was also riddled with trauma and toxic patterns.

My mom died tragically and unexpectedly when I was 13 years old. I felt isolated and lonely as I navigated the grief and trauma that comes with loss.

I had no direction for coming into womanhood, except for what my friends and the magazines taught me, and I had no tools for boundary setting, self-advocacy, and more.

I was in the all-too-common situation where the wonderful people in my community gave me the best support they could, but they weren't too sure how to support a grieving motherless girl because community in our country isn't equipped or resourced to thoroughly support each other very well, and death and grief have yet to be normalized and talked about. So I was both alone and not alone and the tension and pain of this really made me look at some of these structures deeply.

In my early 20's I began realizing how much we as a society pathologize women. We treat their experiences as invalid and their inner- workings as mystery. We also encourage and reward those who fulfill disempowering narratives - those who take up as little space as possible and don't challenge the status quo - all without looking at the root of who is writing these scripts and why. And we ultimately fail to call out how both interpersonal relationships and institutional harm can lead to generational cycles of trauma and hardship.

I have seen how this not-looking traps us in patterns of abuse and addiction and loneliness. It also has more subtle traps, like accepting less-than-validating situations and behaviors.

I have also seen the power of finding support from someone who makes us feel seen, supported, and understood. Who makes us feel less alone and more skillful with life.

At 23, I turned to guidance from Sadee Whip. She made me tea and listened to me with such a loving and protective presence that I felt relief in every part of my soul. She helped me establish a spiritual ancestor practice where I studied patterns in my family story, leading to a discovery of the women in my family being unsupported by a society that doesn't hold space for magical people which, for generations, has lead to them facing chronic illness, addiction, and even dying at a young age. 


This discovery also inspired me to reflect on all the moments these women were full of life and free to be themselves. For my mother, it was always when she was on two wheels or when she was practicing her witchcraft. I firmly believe that aside from her love for being a mother, it was motorcycling and witchcraft that kept her tethered to life despite our Motherline wounds and her unresolved trauma. This fact alone is what inspired me to support the Biker Witches in this world who are seeking community and resources that inspire them to soak up all the magic this life has to offer.


I grew up around motorcycles and I finally made the decision to learn how to ride in 2020. My motivation extended beyond personal fulfillment. I wanted to honor my mother and the women in my maternal lineage who never had the chance to pursue their dreams. Embracing motorcycling introduced me to a wonderful community, allowed me to discover the magic of riding on two wheels, and enabled me to pull from my own personal spiritual practice to establish a working system of witchcraft for Biker Witches. This path serves as a source of healing and empowerment for individuals, but it has been intentionally crafted to send healing through the Motherline and the world at large. Strange and wondrous things happen when witches are connected with the transformative power of riding motorcycles and all the ways bikes bring us closer in relationship with The Great Mother. 

I will tell you, the ecosystem of relationship is where we find healing - not alone like we are all made to believe.

I've experienced this and I know it to be true.

It's why I started Motherline Magic. It's why I do what I do. It's why I honor the women in my own Motherline by creating opportunities for Biker Witches to dive deeper into the worlds of motorcycling and witchcraft and connect with others who are doing the same.


It's why I believe in you and want to support you in the ways you might need, in the ways you might not know you need.


Because I know it can be different.


I know it can be better.


I know it can be beautiful.

Motherline Magic
Ritual Circle

My mom walking her friends through a ritual. she was passionate about creating community for witches.

Ancestor Reverence

A paper I found years after my mom died. She was in the process of mapping our ancestral line and studying our Motherline. I keep it on my altar

A photo of my mom with the chopper my dad built. She was so full of joy in this moment.

The Chopper Witch

My partner and I started building my chopper in 2022. Every part of this build was intentionally crafted to honor the women in my Motherline.


My chopper's name is Diosa.

My Background and Trainings Related to this Work

Upon the Rood-Day: The Witchcraft of Christsonday and the Queen of Elphen, Serpent Hall Institute, Virtual Course, 2022

Abortion Doula CE Course, Birth Advocacy Doula Trainings, Virtual Course, 2022

Ordained by the Universal Life Church, 2022

Certificate in Sexual Health Education, University of Michigan, Virtual Program, 2021

Supporting Families in Grief Training, Big Belly Services, Seattle, WA 2019

Ancestral Lineage Healing Intensive Training, Ancestral Medicine, Ashland, OR 2019

Maintaining An Authentic Practice: Centering the Marginalized Voice Workshop, Rooted Birth Doula Services, Seattle, WA 2019

encircle Birth Doula Training, Big Belly Services, Seattle, WA 2018

RYT 200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training & In-Depth Studies Program, Three Trees Yoga, Federal Way, WA 2018

Bachelor of Science in Human Development, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg, VA 2017

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